Monday, October 13, 2008

Social Bookmarking Service

I just discovered - actually was directed to - a free service for submitting to social bookmarking sites. If you don't know the purpose for social bookmarking, just do it anyway. If you are trying to get your blog or your website up into the search engine ranks, social bookmarking is crucial and you need to do it to every individual page and every blog post. So now for the free service... Drumroll please...

This handy tool will enable you to do your bookmarking quicker and more efficiently even though there is still some manual submission involved. You should be able to bookmark to about 50 sites in 15 to 20 minutes. Nifty, huh?!

Do you know any other free handy tools for online marketing that you'd like to share?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great tool! thank you for sharing it. Will be trying it out shortly.

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