Monday, December 17, 2012


Some marketers believe that FREE is a magic word that will attract customers. While that may be true to some extent, I'm not sure I swallow that hook, line and sinker.
I have personally tried many so-called FREE products as well as methods of marketing that are supposedly free. Most of them require either an upgrade to a paid version in order to get the true benefit of whatever product or service is being offered. Or they require massive amounts of time to be invested in order to gain any benefit. In other words, I have wasted a lot of time pursuing things that are free.
My point is that if you are looking for real FREEDOM, (isn't that really the bottom line for most of us who are marketing online?) trying to get there without investing in products or services that will help you accomplish that is in my opinion, a fruitless pursuit.
FREE attracts tire kickers more often than true entrepreneurs, serious customers and business-minded individuals. And in order to accomplish your goal of financial freedom and time freedom, you need a team of people who really want to invest in themselves and who are serious about getting from point A to point B.
FREE also sometimes makes me wary or even downright mad. Many times I have been drawn into a video or a sales page by the word "free" only to discover that there is nothing actually free. Maybe the person who put up the page meant that the information about the product or service was free. But there was always a "buy now" button at the end. me that is deceitful and there is nothing free about it. Plus it had just wasted a bunch of my precious time. I personally would much rather let my potential customer or team member know the cost upfront, wouldn't you?
So being rather wary of these marketing "tricks," by having fallen victim to them so many times in the past, I was naturally quite wary when someone asked me, "Would you like to earn $150 to $300 a day?" Seemed a little too good to be true. But I decided to click the link and watch the video just to see. Something about this was different. It wasn't free, but the initial cost was so low and the return so high, I couldn't believe it without seeing it for myself. It all made sense and was delivered without all the hype and the marketing language I was used to seeing in these kinds of sales videos.
So if you're looking for a product, service, system all rolled into one that can provide you with financial freedom and time freedom, I encourage you to check it out for yourself. And let me know what you think. It's a system that enables you to promote whatever your primary business is while earning enough money to enable you to pay for advertising as you go. So I encourage you to go there now to get started on your journey to FREEDOM.
If you liked this post, please comment, like and share. You never know who you might bless!
Sharon Reece
214 701-8298
Click here to work personally with me and some celebrities you may recognize.
P.S. How to earn $1200 a day! Click here to find out how.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Health or Wealth?

I've been thinking lately about this topic. Which is more important, health or wealth? If you had to choose between the two which would you choose?

Admittedly that is a hard question. So many people work a lifetime to achieve financial freedom and even when and if they attain it, they no longer have the good health they need to enjoy it.

What if you could have both? Would it be worth doing something a little different than the "normal" guy does? When I was first introduced to the concept of network marketing quite a few years ago now, I was astounded for two reasons. First, that I had never heard of it before and second, that not everyone was  doing it. To me it was the most logical, way of using time, energy and resources to maximum advantage. Rather than trading hours for dollars, which enables one to just barely stay on a par financially with the cost of living, it was a model that allowed for multiplication of resources. Who in their right mind would not want that? It is the same model that Jesus taught his disciples - the principle of teaching and training 2 who will each teach and train 2 and so on and so forth! Jesus' goal through the principle of multiplication was that the whole world would be reached with the message of His love and sacrifice within a very short amount of time.

I suppose that as we analyze this, it's clear that the whole world hasn't been reached, just as the whole world isn't doing network marketing of some product or service. I will be the first to admit that I would much rather spend the majority of my time fulfilling the Great Commission, but since it takes financial resources to do that,  network marketing seems like an ideal solution. Unfortunately too many people insist upon separating their lives into compartments and do not see a business in network marketing as an option for someone involved in ministry. Well, I digress...

Getting back to the health or wealth question, I have observed that some of the best and most innovative products and supplements that have a profound impact on keeping us healthy, have been researched, developed and brought to market using the network marketing model. Admittedly there have been plenty of bad companies involved in network marketing too, giving the whole industry a bad name as a result. So doing your homework is an absolute essential.

Another time I'll write about the criteria for choosing a good company to work with. But for today, let me recommend one that has had an impact on both our health and our wealth in a very short time. On another blog of mine, I've written about my own health turn-around through diet and supplementation so this isn't a new story for me; just a continuation of what has already had a huge impact on my life.

Since obesity is one of the principle problems in our society today, the company we chose to work with deals with that issue. And along with having real solutions that have a profound impact on health, this company has one of the best compensation plans we've seen anywhere. Check this out for real solutions to health AND wealth.

My goal is to maintain the best health possible and help as many people as possible do the same. And in the process of doing that, I know the wealth will be there to enable me and my husband to accomplish all the purposes that God has ordained for us to accomplish while we're here on this earth. Don't you want to do that as well?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Review of Mass Income Multiplier

In case anyone would like a look at what's inside of Mass Income Multiplier before purchasing, I thought I would write a quick review. Hopefully I can present the good, the bad and the ugly and help you make an informed decision about whether this is for you.

I actually purchased this web based software 3 days ago. I'll admit that I plunked my money down with a little bit of fear and trembling, hoping it was something that would do what it said it would, but a little afraid I was going to be disappointed. Much to my surprise and delight, this little gem of a program does everything it said it would do and even more. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I spent my money on something that wasn't a rip off and didn't take a degree in rocket science to figure out. I had my first site set up in less than 40 minutes - and I'm a soon-to-be 65 year old grandmother. (That included the 30 minutes it took me to read up on how to do it. Incidentally, I highly recommend that you take the time to do that.)

After setting up a few templates, which is a very good thing to do, I can now build a site in about 1 minute, then share it on Facebook and Twitter which takes another couple of minutes. All of these sites I'm building are populated with my clickbank or other affiliate links that belong to me. I can use the sites to earn money, get backlinks to my other sites, and to build a list to connect to my own autoresponder or to the internal mailing option within the program. A very positive thing is that there is just a one time payment for now. There is talk that in the future there will be a monthly charge but those who get it now will be exempt from that. In other words, get it now!

That was the good. Now for the bad. I don't really have much bad to say. What I paid limits me to building 3 sites a day. There is an upgrade option for now to be able to build an unlimited number. If you are interested in having a lot of virtual real estate, you may want the unlimited option which costs more. There is also an upgrade to get their "hot" suggestions on a daily basis. What I've seen so far doesn't particularly impress me and I'm a little sorry I took that option. But I could be wrong - after all, it has only been 3 days! I'm willing to give it a little more time before I pronounce the final verdict. So far most of the suggestions are not things I would like to use to build a site, but that may be because I'm a grandmother. The nice thing about the suggestions is that you can make a web page in less than the blink of an eye just by clicking a link in the email you get on a daily basis. Powerful stuff!

It would be well worth your while to take some time to research some profitable niches but you can use the software to build landing pages or lead capture pages for whatever niches you are already interested in. I found that I'm not too anxious to share some of my landing pages on Facebook since I primarily hang out there with family and friends, most of whom wouldn't be interested in what I'm promoting anyway. However, I have shared some things there with surprisingly positive response.

The ugly...hmm...can't think of a thing! Except that I'm having so much fun that I'm not getting anything else done! Also, I haven't had any sales in my clickbank account YET so maybe it takes more than just 8 or 9 pages to accomplish that. Well, I guess for sure it does. So I'll keep plugging away at putting up 3 more sites each day and I'll let you know what happens.

BTW, this software is primarily for those who are interested in earning income through affiliate marketing (marketing the products of others). For someone like me, that's exactly what I'd like to be doing. And the sky is the limit as far as the software is concerned. You are not limited to just using products from clickbank. You can use adsense, Amazon, or other affiliate networks. It's completely up to you.

If I were you, I would run, not walk, to the site (by clicking on the title of this post or anywhere else that is highlighted) and get this amazing software before they start charging a monthly fee for it. Of course, you know that if you do, I may possibly earn some money - just letting you know so I'm compliant with the rules of internet marketing! :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wisdom Tip on Focus of Your Life

This is a re-post of the post I just wrote this morning for my Grandma Is A Writer blog. Hope you enjoy it and that it gives you a wisdom insight.

I've been reading Stephen R. Covey's book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" and it has been giving me plenty of food for thought. In fact, after reading a few pages the other day about identifying your "center" in the chapter titled, "Begin with the End in Mind," it really got me thinking! What is my center? And even more importantly, how does focusing on the wrong thing or things impact my life and the lives of those around me?

I think I can honestly say that for the greater part of my life, Christ has been my center of focus. But there have been times when I have allowed other things to creep into that central position. I'm sure there have been times when I've allowed a particular person (usually a perceived enemy), money, possessions, physical location, the opinions of others, jealousy, my family, work, etc to occupy that center of focus. It's a subtle thing! And when it happens decisions are made that are later regretted, time is lost that could have been used in much more productive and helpful pursuits and life even at times seems to fall into general disarray.

So I'm thankful when God allows something to come into my life that jerks my focus back onto Jesus Christ, the living Word of God. Life just seems to make a whole lot more sense that way!

How about you? Have you ever read Stephen Covey's book? Did it help you determine who or what is the center of your world?

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