Monday, June 29, 2009

Are You Doing Niche Marketing?

How is your niche marketing going? I wanted to tell you about a few remarkable tools that will enable you to find the best keywords quickly and get positioned on the first page of google equally quickly. These tools will enable you to find out whether your niche is going to be a profitable one even before you get started. The best keyword tool I've seen is Market Samurai. I've tried several different ones but this one is absolutely the best - hands down. You can click here on Market Samurai to get a free trial of this software.

Since I have been using this software, there have been many tweeks, improvements and upgrades which are all included once you have purchased it.

If you want to know the 4 Unforgiving Golden Rules of search engine marketing that this software addresses in order to enable you to actually make money, you can find out by reading through the sales letter: Market Samurai sales page.

Once you've decided upon a niche, my recommendation is that you use this blogging platform to build your niche out. For several of my niches, I was on the first page of google search for at least one of my keywords within a couple of weeks. Even I was amazed! And the traffic to those sites has steadily increased.

So, let's get started. Find profitable niches by first thinking about your hobbies, what you like to do, what you're interested in, etc. Then plug your topic into Market Samurai and you're on your way.

Oh, and by the way, if you want to take your marketing to the next level, check out this tool for finding people who are looking for exactly what you're selling! Then send them to your website and "whalah" - money will follow least if your niche has any monetary value attached to it. So be sure to choose a niche that has products and services people are willing to pay for.

Get all the Leads You Need
